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Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)

Regional Technology Development Site - Automotive Centre of Excellence

Improving the quality of life through research, innovation and advancements in autonomous and transportation technology.

Cybersecurity in Electric and Autonomous Vehicles is moving to the forefront of testing priorities for OEM’s and their suppliers. ACE is uniquely qualified to work with you on whole vehicle solutions to cybersecurity concerns. It's all happening at the Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE) research and testing facility at Ontario Tech University, the Eastern Ontario anchor location for the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN).

Together with our partners, we are developing the world's first cognitive wind tunnel to allow for never-before-done autonomous vehicle technologies testing and development.

The OVIN collaborative network at ACE, located at Ontario Tech University, will generate:

  • Access to technologies and product development capabilities.
  • Advancements in technology that will improve services for our communities.
  • Collaboration with subject matter experts and researchers.
  • Creation of new autonomous vehicle products and services.
  • Development of autonomous vehicle technologies.


Why partner with OVIN and ACE?

  • Unlock substantial funding opportunities.
  • Receive access to world-class test equipment, including simulated wireless environment.
  • Access electric vehicle charging/microgrid test bed.
  • Consult with subject matter experts and researchers.
  • Validate and certify autonomous vehicle software.
  • Interact with future professionals and experts in Ontario Tech University's global classroom.

What can be tested, validated and prototyped?

Technology integration:
  • user experience
  • media
  • integrated sensors
Vehicle interfaces:
  • bandwidth use
  • microgrid
  • communications
Prototype build:
  • software
  • electronics
  • physical components

About OVIN

OVIN builds upon Ontario’s position as a world-leading automotive manufacturing and supply jurisdiction in addition to the large cluster of information and communication technology companies operating in the province. Through resources such as research and development funding, talent development, technology acceleration, and demonstration grounds, OVIN provides a competitive advantage to Ontario-based C/AV companies, allowing Ontario to reinforce its position as a North American leader in transformative automotive, transportation and infrastructure system technologies. There are six Regional Technology Development Sites (RTDS) across Ontario. Visit the OVIN Hub to learn more.

About ACE

ACE will represent the anchor site for the Durham Region RTDS. ACE provides the tools and expertise to confidently develop, test and validate prototypes. Chambers and technology are available for climatic, structural durability and life-cycle testing. Facilities include one of the most advanced climatic wind tunnels on the planet. The wind tunnel simulates weather conditions, such as severe wind, humidity, snow, ice and desert heat, to measure the safety, durability and efficiency of prototypes. Additional chambers include a climatic four-post shaker, anechoic chamber with a multi-axis shaker table within, and two large climate chambers.

Submit your details below and we will contact you if your business qualifies for the OVIN program.