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ACE is one of the most advanced environmental testing facilities and classrooms in the world. Discover our unique educational offerings in disciplines from motorsport, aerodynamics and automotive testing to training for the next generation of emergency service workers. Our workshops are designed to educate students, professionals and the community. Private workshops tailored to the needs of specific groups are also available and can serve as exciting and beneficial field trips or camps, team-building opportunities or memorable club events.

Pi Day of Giving ACE Series

Energy and the Future of Advanced Mobility

John Komar and Dr. Justin Gammage, ACE

Energy that powers the movement of people and goods around the world is undergoing changes that are creating transformational opportunities for emissions reduction and increased efficiency. Innovation in energy storage and transfer, climatic aerodynamics and the use of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) on our roadways are bringing concepts like GM’s Vision Zero: Zero Emissions, Zero Crashes and Zero Congestion. This discussion will dive into the foundational technologies driving the changes in the mobility sector and highlight some of the near-term challenges along with all the opportunities being created for the innovators of the future.